Sing Well Workshop Day
Event Summary:
Venue: Pittington Village Hall, Durham, DH6 1AN
Fully Accessible Venue | Free Parking
Date: Saturday 28th January 2023
Time: 10AM - 4PM
(Half day option available)
Who: Open to all adults (aged 18+)
Cost: £25 per person
Booking Essential | Places Limited
Led by: Expert Vocal Coach Alison Barton
Sing Well in mind, body and soul - singing workshop day to reconnect with your voice, improve vocal technique, build confidence and boost wellbeing.
Workshop Day
Developed by The Singing Elf Social Enterprise, the new Sing Well programme is led by expert vocal coach and therapist - Alison Barton. During this first one-off workshop day, Alison will take you on an uplifting journey of vocal exploration and personal growth. Using her extensive knowledge gained from 30 years as a professional opera singer, along with decades of experience as a lecturer, vocal tutor and performance coach. Alison’s holistic approach to teaching is also informed by her practice as a qualified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist.
Sing Well aims to help individual singers of all abilities; improve vocal technique, build confidence and boost wellbeing within an safe and inclusive group setting.
Who can attend?
Sing Well provides a fully inclusive, low-cost opportunity for adults who usually sing in groups to access expert tuition, often only available through individual singing lessons. The programme is being piloted in collaboration with Unity Community Choir and is aimed at adults who sing in local community choirs (or would like to), but is also open to singers from all walks of life. Whether you’re new to singing, a life-long veteran or somewhere in between, you’ll get the chance to reflect on your singing, revisit founding principles and renew your confidence.
Workshop Timings
The workshop day is split into a morning & afternoon session, each covering interconnecting but different topics. The afternoon session builds on the learning from the morning, but is in itself a separate session, therefore allowing singers to attend just the morning or afternoon, if they are unable to commit to the full day. Singers will be allocated a place in one of the four vocal surgery slots according to their booking preferences. The surgeries offer the chance to work with Alison in a small group to ask individual questions or request more personalised advice. Please note that lunch will not be provided, singers are asked to bring their own food but hot drinks will be served.
The workshop fee has been subsidised with funding from £50 to £25 per person for all participants thanks to support from Durham AAP. As all singers will benefit from a 50% discount, everyone will pay the same fee regardless of attending a half day or full day. The number of places are limited for the overall workshop day and cannot be shared.
What to Expect
On arrival you’ll be greeted by our super friendly team, grab a cuppa and have a natter to get to know the other singers and get settled in. The main group sessions will include a mixture of practical work alongside opportunities for reflection, discussion and then putting learning into practice through song. Throughout the workshop, Alison will use the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) principles of thoughts, behaviours and beliefs to help you relate your mind, body & soul to your singing experience. You’ll explore how to get the best from your voice wherever you are on your singing journey and discover what might be holding you back. There’ll be a brief chance to ask Alison more personalised questions or advice on specific aspects away from the main group in one of our small group Vocal Surgeries during the day.
If you have any questions please email for more information on