Wild Things

Wild Things

A lot of our Singfulness Activities will help you to connect with the natural world around you. On this page you can find all of our outdoors / nature activities in one place.

Origami Bird

You'll find this activity on page 12 of your booklet

For this activity you will need:

From the pack A piece of coloured paper

From your home Scissors

If you do not have a pack, you will need to find some paper at home

Flower Art

You'll find this activity on page 13 of your booklet

For this activity you will need:

From your pack: Flower art card template | coloured paper | felt tips | cellophane | glue

From your home: Scissors

If you don’t have a pack, you will need to find some card or cardboard, colouring pens or pencils, food wrappers and glue at home.

Toilet Roll Tube Birdfeeder

You'll find this activity on page 17 of your booklet

For this activity you will need:

From the pack Birdseed | Twine

From your home Toilet roll tube | Peanut butter | A plate | A knife | Scissors

If you do not have a pack, you will need to find some birdseed or cereals such as porridge oats/muesli/granola and twine/string at home

Juice Carton Birdfeeder

This activity is not in your booklet

For this activity you will need:

From your pack Birdseed | Twine | Coloured paper | glue

From your home Screw top juice carton | Scissors | Wooden dowel/skewer or an old chopstick/pencil/wooden spoon

If you do not have a pack, you will need to find some string, coloured paper and birdseed bird seed or cereals such as porridge oats/muesli/granola at home.

Birdwatcher Charts

Birdwatching Sheet
Click image to download

Birdwatching Sheet
(7-11 years)
Click image to download

Birdwatching Sheet
(Up to 5 years)
Click image to download

Birdwatching Sheet
Click image to download